Chicken Sandwich


    • Chicken - 250 g
    • Cabbage  - 1 cup (grated)
    • Carrot - 1 cup (grated)
    • Salt
    • Pepper powder
    • Water
    • Bread 
    • Mayonnaise


    1. In a cooker, add chicken along with pepper powder, salt, and water. Cook on a medium flame for 2 whistles.
    2. In a pan, heat oil.
    3. Add in the cooked chicken pieces and fry until some golden spots appear on both sides of the chicken pieces. Don't over-fry the chicken.
    4. In a bowl, Mince the cooked chicken finely.
    5. To the bowl, add mayonnaise, grated carrot, grated cabbage, salt, and pepper. Combine well. Set aside.
    6. Spread 1-2 tablespoons of prepared chicken salad over one slice of bread.
    7. Cover with another slice and gently press down.
    8. Then diagonally cut the sandwiches into triangles and serve!.


    • You can also add any veggies of your choice. For eg: tomatoes, capsicum, cucumber, sweet corn, etc.



  • Has very high protein content.
  • Eating chicken is a must for those who want to build strength.
  • Helps in weight-loss as it doesn't have much fat.
  • Keep your bones healthy.
  • Eating chicken can actually help you lead a life without stress.
  • Helps in boosting immune cells in the body.


  • Reduced risk of cancer.
  • Lower cholesterol levels.
  • Weight loss.
  • Eye health.


  • Cancer prevention.
  • Help to prevent constipation.
  • Maintain a healthy digestive tract.
  • Anti-inflammatory Agent.
  • Improves Heart Health.


  • Assists in the breakdown of fat cells ie, helps in weight loss.
  • Enhances skincare.
  • Gives relief from peptic ulcers.
  • Has anti-tumor properties and antibacterial quality. 
  • Improves digestion.
  • Prevents asthma. and provides respiratory relief.
