Chilli Potato | Potato Chilli Dry


  • Potato - 2
  • Salt 
  • Corn flour - 3 tbsp


  • Butter
  • Garlic - 1 tsp (crushed) 
  • Chilli flakes 
  • Onions  - ½ (finely chopped)
  • Chilli sauce - 1 tbsp
  • Tomato ketchup - 1 tbsp
  • Soya sauce - 1 tbsp
  • pepper - 1 tsp
  • Salt 
  • Sesame seeds(optional)
  • Corn flour mix (add 1tsp corn flour in 1tbsp of water )


    1.  Peel and cut Potatoes into fingers, add salt, cornflour, and mix well.
    2. In a fry pan, heat oil. When the oil is hot enough, deep fry the potatoes till they are crispy. 
    3. In a pan heat butter.
    4. Add garlic, chili flakes, onions and saute well.
    5. To this add in all the sauces ie, chili sauce, tomato ketchup, and soya sauce.
    6. Add in corn flour mix, pepper, and salt. Stir well to make a slurry.
    7. Add in the fried potatoes and toss well!


  • You can also use frozen french fries.
  • You can also double fry the potatoes if the required crispiness is not attained in one go.


  1. Chilli �� and potatoes!!! Perfect for summer barbecue


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